Technology is having an increasing impact on our private and professional lives. When it comes to business, companies are moving more and more operations into the virtual world. Therefore, in order not to be ‘left behind’ and to be successful, it is necessary to develop digital competencies and prepare a good digital strategy for your company.

The biggest challenge of digitalization is early implementation. This is a process that takes years, so institutions and companies that do not yet have a digital strategy should catch up as soon as possible.

Until recently, IT solutions were associated with huge and very expensive implementations that take years and cause a lot of confusion in a company or institution. Today, the market is filled with various strategies, tools, services, and applications that support business. These are often open source solutions that are completely free and offer free versions that anyone can use.

Which tools are worth testing in an enterprise?

  • Project management tools. These are tools that help you manage your work and human resources. In them, you can set deadlines, create tasks and control all aspects related to the project. Examples of such tools are Trello, Asana, and Redmine.
  • Web analytics tools. These are tools that help you track statistics related to your website. Examples of such tools are Google Analytics, Semstorm, and Google Search Console.
  • Graphics creation tools. As we know, graphics, video, and infographics are the content that reaches customers the fastest. Presenting your offer in the graphic form will greatly increase the attractiveness of your business. Examples of tools: Canva, Piktochart, Gimp.

Digital transformation is a huge step for a business, but remember to go through the process in small steps. We can start by introducing it in one department, such as the marketing department.

What are the advantages of using digital tools?

  • Reduced cost of advertising campaigns
  • Increased customer satisfaction
  • Reach more people through social media
  • Better communication among employees

Developing digital skills is crucial in today’s world and it is important for both managers and employees to continually improve them.

“Every industry and every organization will have to transform itself in the next few years. What is coming at us is bigger than the original internet, and you need to understand it, get on board with it, and figure out how to transform your business.” — Tim O’Reilly, Founder & CEO of O’Reilly Media

Digital transformation leads to finding new solutions and, as a result, analyzing the results and drawing conclusions, it also has an impact on other areas of activity, including the products and services offered to customers.

In our CreatEU course, you will find many strategies and online tools to develop and extend your competencies. Stay tuned and follow us on Facebook!